I now want to try a similar experiment in unity: water, which can refract objects behind it.
Additionally, we are going to make the water dynamic using a similar method we use in the "Perlin noise for ocean waves post".
First thing first, create an empty GameObject and add these components to it: a script called "Water2D", a MeshFilter, a MeshRenderer and an EdgeCollider2D.
Then create a material. You can call it whatever you want of course, "Water_Refractive" sounds ok to me. You can leave the standard shader for now as we will firstly get the mesh to work properly and then we will apply a refractive shader. Assign the material to the MeshRenderer of our GameObject:
Part 1: dynamic mesh generation
The mesh is going to be re-created every frame. Certainly not the best approach if performance is your priority, but this will allow us to change the number of vertices during runtime, which is what I wanted. The script, previously added to the GameObject, called "Water2D", looks like this:
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If you are not familiar with meshes and how to create them there are plenty of tutorials online, especially on the official Unity website. To give you a quick crash course, a mesh is a collection of vertices and triangles which are drawn using those vertices. In this approach, I firstly create a line of horizontal vertices (which i called "topVertices"). The minimum amount for the top vertices is 2 of course (line 98 - 99). I then apply Perlin noise to the y parameter of each vertex in order to get them to wave (lines 100 - 103). The edge collider is also updated according to these vertices so objects can collide with the waves.
In the GenerateMesh method I simply "triangulate" the vertices: I create a "bottom vertex" for each "top vertex" and create triangles. The bottom vertices are placed at a certain distance from their respective top vertices. This distance is a public parameter (waterHeight)which basically determines the water height.
If you apply a basic color to the material and press play, you should see this:
Part 1: refraction effect
Indeed, it's shader writing time.
To create the refraction effect I used a special type of map called DUDV map. If you perform a quick google search for it you will find many of these maps to download. Save one and import it as a new asset.
Also, before proceeding, create a simple sprite and place it in the scene. Any image will do, we'll use it to show the refraction effect. I used one of the available sprites in Unity and tinted it red:
At this point, the shader itself. The code is very much based on the "Glass effect shader", which can be found here. I modified just enough to use the map I wanted to and added parameters for altering the effect.
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Simply described, the shader samples the distortion map, which represents a series of two dimensional vectors and creates an offset (using those vector 2) which is used to then sample the _GrabTexture (line 81 - 87). This is how the refraction effect is created.
This shader has parameters that let you move the textures and increase or decrease the distortion effect. Also, you can apply a normal texture if you want to.
Apply the shader to the material and this is the final result:
Water effect with refraction. A nice effect to add to your 2D game.
Remember, collisions are also updated, which means that objects can collide with your water. Specifically, with the top of the water, as we used an EdgeCollider.
If you place an object in the scene, with a 2D collider and a rigidbody, you should see it colliding with the water:
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