Tuesday 31 May 2016

Yet another unfinished project

This is "High Five Knight", a small idea me and my girlfriend attempted to put together.

It's still in progress, although we do not have much time to work on it, especially her as she provides all the art and she is very busy doing other things.

So I though I would put it here as it might never get released :)

It's a very simple infinite runner, designed for mobile devices. The main character keeps running and comes across NPCs of 2 types, he has to high five the "friendly" ones and punch the foes. And of course, jumping over gaps.

For this project I created all the animations, using the mecanim system, wrote all the scripts and all the shaders. The game is optimized for mobiles, all the spawning objects are written with object pooling and all the shaders are as efficient as possible. The only light processed is ambient light and I used a Stencil buffer for the main character shadow so it only renders on the ground tiles.

I had to spend a lot of time with the profiler to understand how to obtain the best frame rate and how to speed the game up, eventually I managed to get it to run the best I could.

There is no music but you will hear sound effects.

I hope to find to time to finish it one day. Nonetheless, it is a fun little project that I am happy to leave here on the blog as a good example of a simple mobile game.

Here are some screenshots:

The APK file is downloadable here

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