Tuesday 9 February 2016

Upload Unity games on Blogger

Here's a quick post on how I upload my example scenes on my blog. This will allow you to export anything to do in Unity onto your blogger website.

First, you need a Dropbox account. Once you have something ready to export in Unity, build the project for "WebPlayer". You will end up with a folder with two files: let's say for example our project is called AwesomeGame, the two files will be named AwesomeGame.html and AwesomeGame.unity3d.

Next, go to your Dropbox account, log in and upload the "*.unity3d" file (in our fictional example, AwesomeGame.unity3d). Once you click on share, you will get a link that should look something like this:


You need to edit this link into this:


Change the left hand side of the link and rim off the  "?dl=0" on the right hand side.

Then, open your "AwesomeGame.html" with notepad and look for this line:

u.initPlugin(jQuery("#unityPlayer")[0], "AwesomeGame.unity3d").

Replace the link you just edited inside the brackets, like this:

u.initPlugin(jQuery("#unityPlayer")[0], "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w1098asdjlkj3409/AwesomeGame.unity3d").

At this point, you can upload to Dropbox you AwesomeGame.html file that you just modified. Once uploaded, get the sharing link and do the same thing you did for he first file.

From this:


To this:


This last link is the one you will use as active link that will redirect users to the game page.

That is all. ow you can upload games on blogger anytime and very easily.

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